Mara Rose: Three years

Better late than never. I’ve been meaning to write this post since Mara turned three on January 23.

Mara's third birthday

Weight: 31 lbs., 15.5 oz. (at three-year appointment on 1/27/17)

Height: 38.6 in. (at three-year appointment on 1/27/17)

Clothing size: On her birthday she was wearing all 3T clothes, but in the last couple of months her pants are starting to get short so she’s moving into some 4T.

Nicknames: Mar-Mar, Mar

Health/Diet: Meal times can be a struggle with Mara, but some of her favorite foods are chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, avocados, green beans, blueberries, carrots, apples and strawberries. She loves snacks and would eat them all day if we let her! She especially loves pretzels, popcorn, teddy grahams and yogurt melts. And Easter is now Mara’s favorite holiday with all the egg hunts and candy!

Sleep: I’m so thankful that Mara sleeps through the night almost every night these days. She still has occasional nights where she will wake up and want to be tucked back in or have a song. But I’m so grateful for more sleep for all of us! She was in a crib until around her third birthday when we finally moved her to a twin mattress on the floor. She does pretty well at staying in bed, but she’s started to come into our room now in the morning when she wakes up. She has a little alarm clock that turns green when she’s allowed to get up…sometimes she follows it 🙂 She usually goes to sleep around 8:45/9:00 and sleeps until 6:30/6:45.

Milestones: I feel like Mara has grown up so much in the past year! She’s talking up a storm, gives running commentary on things and likes to tell you exactly what to do and how to do it. She’s also mastered the art of negotiation. I don’t know how many times a day we hear “just two more minutes” or “just a little bit” or “just one more time!”

A couple of weeks before her third birthday, we decided to conquer potty training. Mara was not excited about it, but she’s done great! She still wears a pull-up at nap-time and night-time which is sometimes wet when she wakes up. But happy to have one kid out of diapers! As a reward for getting potty trained, Mara got to go see her first movie in the theater (Trolls) with her cousin JoJo. She loved it!

Mara is obsessed with the color orange, so for her third birthday we had an orange party with orange food, orange decorations and orange cupcakes!

When Mara moved out of the crib, we switched the kids’ rooms, so now Mara has a “big girl” room complete with an orange stripe painted on the wall.

For the most part Mara loves being a big sister to Harris. It’s neat to see their relationship grow. But she sure doesn’t like when he messes up her things or plays with a toy she wants!

Mara is very stubborn and isn’t afraid to let her feelings known. While being strong-willed can be a good trait for her future, we’re working on healthy ways for all of us to make it through this “threenager” phase 😉

Likes: Painting or other crafts, anything Disney princess, story time at the library, music class, carrying around a purse/bag, singing and dancing along to songs/movies, playing at the park, going on walks, wearing dresses

Dislikes: Sharing her toys, being told no, wearing her jacket, cooperating when she’s tired

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